Baptism is the first of three Sacraments of Initiation (followed by First Holy Communion and Confirmation) which complete an individual’s membership to the Catholic Community.
Baptism marks an individual as a follower of Christ. The baptized person promises to direct his or her life towards God and God’s desires. When infants are baptized, parents and godparents make these promises for the child, and the parents and godparents are then responsible for raising and educating the child so that he or she understands and comes to believe in these promises.
All Saints Parish, (click here for printable form - Baptismal application-Baptism for children aged 0 to kindergarten age) offers Baptism to registered members of the parish and non registered parishioners. Baptisms are held on the third Saturday in Spanish at 9:30am and the fourth Saturday of each month at 9:30am in English. Parents are required to be interviewed by a Deacon. Parents and Godparents are required to attend Baptism Preparation class before the Baptism. Godparents are required to provide a "Letter of Eligibility to be a Godparent" from their Church/Parish.
If you would like to begin arranging the baptism of your newborn to kindergarten aged child, please contact the Church Office (510) 581-2570 to begin the process. The fee for group baptisms is $100 for parish members and $250 for non parish members. Private baptisms are also offered, the fee for private baptisms is $250.
If you are not a registered member of All Saints and would like to register in the parish, please
call the church office or register on line.
Baptism for elementary school students in 1st thru 8th grades is arranged by contacting the Church Office (510) 581-2570 to begin the process. Unbaptized children will be enrolled in one year of Faith Formation Classes which begin in September and end in May. Classes meet Sunday mornings after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. In their First year of Faith Formation, they will attend two evening meetings with their parents to learn and prepare together for their Baptism. The children will receive the Sacrament of Baptism in June, preferably in a group setting.
High School students in grades 9 thru 12, must enroll in the two year Confirmation Program which begins in September and ends in June. Students needing baptism will receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation during their second year in the Confirmation Program.
Adults who would like to be baptized and become Catholic are welcome to join the RCIA process. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is an on-going process of prayer, education, and ritual that assists adults in discerning their call to become Catholic. (More information can be found on the RCIA page of this website.) To inquire more about the RCIA process, please call the Church Office (510) 581-2570.
For more information about Baptism, consider reading these articles from American Baptism