Confirmation is one of the three sacraments which makes an individual a full member of the Catholic Church.
Confirmation is the completion of Baptism. It serves to seal the baptism, affirming the baptismal promises of the adult catholic and conferring the gifts of the Holy Spirit, thus empowering the individual to go forth and share the gospel of Christ, much the way the apostles were sent forth after Pentecost.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) (18 years old and over) is offered once a year. The session is six months long and meets once per week in the evenings. Sessions typically begin in late August or early September and end at Easter. To register for RCIA Preparation, please contact the Church Office at (510) 581-2570.
All High School studentswho are currently participating in a catechetical or faith formation process are eligible to begin Confirmation preparation. Confirmation preparation is a two year program and begins in September of each year. If your child is not currently attending Catholic School nor enrolled in a high school faith formation program, your child is also eligible to begin Confirmation preparation. The first step toward Confirmation is enrollment in the All Saints’ Youth Ministry/Confirmation Program. For more information or to register for the Youth Ministry/Confirmation Program, please contact the Church Office at (510) 581-2570.